Tungsten-carbide scrap and Special alloys buying




Sell titanium

How to sell non-ferrous metal scraps, rare metals and alloys?

Call us +372 523 5532, send an e-mail or fill-in quotation request.

We buy any type and form of metal scraps with minimum weight 0,1kg. We can come to your place to detect metal you have. When required the exact amount of pure metal in scrap or alloy can be determined during examination of samples in the independent laboratory.

We pay out right after weighting and accepting the metal.

Sell titanium

Do we work in accordance with the law?

Baltic Ferrum LLC operates since 2010 and has a permit № L.JÄ/329841 from the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications to collect and recycle non-ferrous metals and alloys. We have been awarded an A (good) credit rating 2015 by Experian company Krediidiinfo. Our mission is to promote the rational use of non-ferrous and rare metals, returning the metal from the "end of life" products back into production. To do this, we sort all the purchased scrap and send it to the metal processing facilities in Europe, Russia and China.
© 2025, Baltic Ferrum Arte Verum Studio